Sunday, October 02, 2005


Here is a list of the main people i talk about in this blog and some info about them:

Danielle(Dani)- one of my best friends; girlfriend of Candice; my dad dislikes her a lot
Candice- Gay pimp; sister of Josh; my dad hates her
Josh- b/f of Kaycee; my dad has no problem with him
Kaycee- my sister
Chase- my cousin
Evan- my friend; lives up the road from me; my dad really likes him
Hillary- my friend; takes me to work; my dad doesn't know her

Homecoming is absolutely my favorite day out of the entire school year. This years homecoming assembly was based on a theme called "Blast from the Past"(or something like that). It went from the 1920's all the way to present. My cousin, Chase, is a great dancer! I wish I was talented like him. He can sing, dance, and he's just a great person all around. He was in about four of the skits.
After the homecoming assembly was over we went to homeroom. Just about everyone signs out after the assembly. So I called my dad and asked him if I could sign out and go to my friend Hillary's house. Amazingly, he said yes. Thinking back on it, this is the first time I've been invited, and allowed, to go to someone else's house since I was 7. Well, that doesn't count going to Evan's or "dropping by" Lindsey's house. (That was back when I could still talk to her.)
At about 2 o'clock, we came back to the school and went to the pep rally. Nothing special, just a pep rally.
Then, came the football game. Danielle is one of my very best friends who moved to Greenville this year and I miss her really bad. I don't get to talk to her or see her or anything because she has a girlfriend also, Candice, who my dad hates (because he's homophobic). The last time I got to talk to Dani was at a football game about a month ago. And she came to this one! Before we even left the house, my dad told me I couldn't talk to her. When we got to the game I saw Dani. I motioned that I couldn't talk to her cause my dad wouldn't let me and she ran/walked in the other direction seeing as how my dad was in front of me. The only person I was allowed to talk to at the game from out of town was Josh, Kaycee's boyfriend and Candice's brother. I was sitting on the hill when I saw Josh. He looked at me then the people who were standing in front of Candice moved. I said "Oh my god, you can't be here." They looked up to the bleachers, saw my dad looking down at us, and ran away. About that time I started getting really upset. Not upset mad or sad but more freaking out. I think I was hyperventelating and everyone was telling me to calm down and honestly I don't know why I was doing any of this. I just felt like my dad was going to be soooo angry and take me home and I would just get in more trouble than I have been for the past year. Well, Danielle saw all of this. And she was going to go talk to my dad but I told her no she couldn't. Then I walked away because I knew he could see me and I didn't want to start anything between them. Then after a while I was still freaking out, and Dani was still seeing all this so I backed up to the bleachers, and she came over and gave me a hug. She told me everything would be ok and made me feel so much better. I walked away. I wish I would have stayed and talked with her. I still miss her.
The drama doesn't end there. After the band and colorguard left I was sitting with Josh, waiting on Kaycee, and Candice came up. She was talking to Josh and said "We have to go" Josh said "what?" Then I realized Candice was crying and she said "We have to go, I'm gonna get arrested." I backed up and walked away. They left. Then I told Kaycee what happened. Last I heard, Danielle's parents saw Danie and Candice together. I wish I knew more, but the story ends there.


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