Monday, September 26, 2005

Ring Ceremony

Finally, ring ceremony! I'm a junior so i got my ring. This is a great day, right? A day I will never forget, right? Well, at least it's a day I will never forget. So, I come home and my dad takes me to the mall to go buy a dress. I come home, put on make-up, brush my teeth, and paint my fingernails while Kaycee straightens my hair. I tell Kaycee to call my mom and make sure she's coming and remind her it's at 7. Kaycee calls my dad back on his cell phone and tells him that my mom forgot and she's in the middle of cooking supper. She can't come. Then we go to school and go through the ceremony. Afterwards my class is standing out in the hall. I go look for my dad. When i find him, the first thing he says is "Are you ready?"(of course, he wants to leave) I ask him where Kaycee is. He tells me she's at home. I wanted Kaycee to be the first person to turn my ring (we turn our ring 106 times toward our pinky and the 107th turn is toward your "heart" that is called locking your ring....i'm not having mine locked) So, we started walking toward the car and i rememberd I needed to go have my picture taken. Dad says to hurry and he'll be waiting in the car (big shock). I started walking toward the autitorium and the first person to notice I was crying was Curstie. She was also the first to realize I wasn't crying because I was happy. Imagine that, my friend knew something was wrong with me. Well, I got my picture taken, came home, went to kaycee's room (still crying by the way) and asked her if she wanted to turn my ring. She asked what was wrong and turned my ring. As it turns out, my dad never came home to pick Kaycee up, so she didn't have a way there. I understand that, but ring ceremony-to me- is bigger than graduation. Sure, graduation represents 12 years of hard work. But you class ring is more than that. It represents 12 years of memories. Anyway, the rest of the night kind of followed that same pattern. Welcome to my life.

Sunday, September 25, 2005

My First Blog!!!

Well, this is my first blog so i'm just goint to introduce myself. My name is Lauren. I have 3 sisters (all younger), and a half brother. My parents have been separated for about 6 years. I have been going through some really hard times with my family lately. Nothing with money or health or anything. My father has known I'm gay for about a year and honestly, he is tired of it. I have a girlfriend named Lindsey who i never get to see and I think it's killing her almost as much as it does me. I hope to god my father never sees these, but there's no keeping anything from him. He'll find everything eventually.