Friday, November 25, 2005

What would YOU do in a mall for 6 hours???

Well, I would have to say yesterday was fun, interesting, exciting, and all those words you use to describe a day you will never forget. The day actually started earlier that week, because earlier is when i broke up with Lindsey. Shock?? Maybe. Actually, Friday (the 18th) is when I sent her the message, but she didn't get it until monday. I can't explain how it made me feel to do that. I didn't want to, but I felt like it needed to be done. And now that it's over, I don't really know what to think about it. Maybe it's been over for a while and I just haven't seen it. Maybe it's still not over yet. It's impossible for me to tell at this point, but back to the other story. Wednesday we didn't have school so Daddy let me go to work with him for a while and then at 10 o'clock he took me to the mall to meet Josh and we hung out until 4. We walked around the mall, sat on the bed in JC Penny's for about an hour, and "watched" Pride and the Prejudice. Josh has never kissed anyone....until yesterday! That's right. I was his first kiss. And technically, I had to kiss him. I don't think he's nervous anymore. So, we don't go out (go together) yet, but I have a feeling we will pretty soon. Saturday is our first basketball game at church. I might get to go to his house for a while if my dad will let me. I really like him. He is actually the first guy that I have ever really liked. We had a little while where we didn't talk to each other(mostly my fault). But he really is my best friend. (excluding Julia who is my best girl friend) And I think he likes me too. Maybe all the bad things that happen in peoples lives are just leading up to moments like these. Maybe these are the moments we are supposed to live for.


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