Monday, October 03, 2005

Another day in the life of...

So, not much really happened today. Evan told me that his dad kicked him out of his house! Some parents do the stupidest things. From what I hear, Evan's dad just kept deleting a program from their computer and Evan had to keep putting it back on. That's not all that's going on in Evan's life, but it was the last straw. So Evan said something to his dad about it and it ended in a big fight. Evan left, came to my house, went back to appologize, and now is living with John. That's basically the whole story (or at least all I know).
On a happier note...Danielle might be coming back to Blacksburg!!!!!!!!! I heard that and I swear my heart dropped. I really miss Dani. I don't think she knows how much. But if she does come back, I will be sure to let her know. She was honestly one of the best things in my life. Her leaving upset me more than I let on. And getting a hug from her Friday was basically a little sigh of relief. It just made me feel like, someday, everything will be better and we will discover the reason behind all of this maddness some people call life. To put it simply, Danielle really makes me happy.
Another cool thing that happened today is I talked to Nikki. Nikki is a gay girl in my sister's grade who Kaycee asked if she would ever go out with me. We had never talked. But I knew she liked me...or at least wanted to get to know me. Anyway, she was at the park today when I was baby-sitting Caroline and Dylan, so I sat down and talked with her while the kids played. She's not as bad as I thought she would be.


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