Thursday, October 13, 2005

No Good Will Come of This

What is wrong with me? Honestly! I'm not a whore, I swear. I just always end up talking with the crushes of my friends...and family...and things go wrong. They end up liking me! Some people may consider this a good thing? Trust me, it's not! So, me and Josh have a history, right, we went out (went together) about a year ago. Now, he goes out with my sister, Kaycee. No problem, right? WRONG! Big problem. The problem is that Josh still talks to me. The last time Kaycee went out with someone that I later started talking to, they broke up because he started liking me. Obviously, I turned him down. But Kaycee thinks it's gonna happen again. I called Julia and asked her what she thought. She reminded me of the time we both started talking to Fletcher and I knew she liked him, but he liked me. We ended up going out. I'm really not a bad person, and I don't even want these things to happen. But, it's not like their married! Why are people so overprotective of people they like. We're TEENAGERS! We're supposed to "shop around" so to speak. Suddenly, I can't even talk to anyone that anybody else likes. I don't understand that. I would have no problem with Lindsey talking with other people as long as it doesn't go to far, or we were to break up before it does. The only other person I know that even remotely understands this entire concept is John. But then people get mad at him because they say he's trying to be a "player". No he's not. He's just flirting. Flirting is fun. Or at least it's supposed to be. Lighten up people!


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