Saturday, October 08, 2005

Band Competition

Well, I just got back from Kaycee and Taylor's band competition. I don't know how we placed because we left before they gave awards, but Josh and Travis, and Candice, and this guy named Spencer came. I didn't talk to Candice even though my dad wasn't there. My mom was there, but I don't think she knows what Candice looks like. So, I sat with Josh the whole time. He is really cool. I miss him. Josh and I went out about a year ago. He broke up with me because he found out about my first girlfriend. Since that time he has gone out with Curstie--one of my friends--and he is currently going out with my sister, Kaycee. I was talking with him today on the phone. (He called to see where the competition was.) and I was asking him if he liked Kaycee and stuff like that. Of course he said yeah. But then we started talking about how we broke up. He told me if I hadn't been gay, he would have stayed with me. (I find this ironic because his sister is gay, but whatever.) Then I told him that I most likely wouldn't have gone through with this whole gay thing, but we broke up. So we decided we were both stupid and it was both of our faults. Then I asked him who he liked more, me or Kayce. He didn't want to answer. Then after a lot of pleading, he said me. I don't know how much I can believe him. I want to. He's not the kind of person to just say something like that. If he liked Kaycee more he would have said..."Duh, i'm going out with Kaycee. Of course I like her." But he didn't. Guys are confusing and hard to read. But then I asked him why and he wouldn't tell me. He said something like "No i'm not getting all mushy." (Yeah, he's a loser. But you gotta love him.) He said he might tell me at the competition, but he never did. And he wouldn't show me his arms--he has NICE arms...he works out. But he did tell me something. Not exactly what I would prefer to talk about with him. But he said "My sister told me something." I said "What?" He said, "She told me you would do Lindsey." I looked at him and said, "She IS my girlfriend." Then he was like eww and he moved over. I grabbed his arm and told him to come back beside me. But he was all "no, you said you would do Lindsey." He makes me so frustrated. I mean, he knows the answer to all those questions before he asks them. And then he still preceeds to make me mad and be an ass. Whatever. I give up. I hope Kaycee and him have a nice time together. Why must life be so hard?


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