Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Let's play catch up!!

Wow!! I didn't realize it's been this long since I've written a blog! I guess I just haven't really had the need to write any...or the time. So, I guess I should try my best to fill in. Saturday, November 26, 2005 me and Josh started dating "officially". That was a basketball game so he asked me at church. Since then i've seen him almost every weekend, sometimes during the week too, been to his house twice technically, and talk to him everyday on the phone (except for that week the power was out which sucked). Hmm...i think he's gonna read this but i'm not sure. I shouldn't have told him about it because now i think it'll mess up how i write. Well anyway! Let me go on telling how things are going with me and Josh....he is so hard to describe. He's just a little mixture of everything. He's got his moments when he can be a jerk or stupid, but i think it's ok because I love him anyway. Plus, there's other times when he is REALLY sweet. And as anyone can tell i am SUCH a sucker for someone sweet! how he says we're getting married he sounds so sure of it! And i told him i didn't want an ugly ring and he said "duh! wouldn't match." OMG!! I love that! I started making a list of things I love about's what i have so far:
1)He hangs up with me at 10:00 every night because he doesn't want me to get in trouble, even though neither of us wants to let the other one go.
2)He says "Aye, aye, Cap'n!!" in the CUTEST way ever.
3)He holds my hand when we walk together.
4)He tells me he'll take me to Salt Lake.
5)He doesn't know how to explain how he feels.
6)He tells me "I love you" more than once every day.
7)He listens to me study.
8)He sings/hums songs with me on the phone.
9)He tells me dirty jokes.
10)He tells me stupid jokes.
11)He laughs at my jokes.
12) He holds me as we lay together.
13)He kisses my cheeks.
14)He asks me to "marry him".
15)He saves his money to buy me a late Christmas present, and apologizes when he spends some.
16)He calls to tell me he'll call me back later.
17)He gets excited when we both have a day out of school and might get to see each other.
18)He lets me keep his superman shirt, adidas jacket, daffy duck tie, $2.25, and 4 of his wristbands.
19)He keeps my studded bracelet, hairbow, change left from the movies, and a stran of my hair
20) He makes fun of how I laugh.
21)He plays the guitar.
22)He plays songs I like.
23)He loves Green Day almost as much as I do.
24)He says I'm his best friend.
25)He cares about me moer than I will ever know.
26)He is sad when i'm not with him.
27)He always say's he'll "tell me later"...and he always does.
28)He thinks we're perfet for each other.

That's all I have for right now. Eventually I'll think of more. I hope to be able to list at least 50...or 100. But yeah, that's Josh! I guess I'm gonna end with something he sent me yesterday actually.

"when i tell you i love you im not just saying it to get it out of the way im saying it b/c i love telling you and reminding you im always here for you "