Sunday, May 27, 2007

food for thought

i hate people who are so f'n ignorant. they don't do what they know they are supposed to do because it's right. they're lazy and selfish and make life miserable for those around them. they don't know the meaning of the word sacrafice or service. they love people because of what they have and what they can give them but not because of who they are. there are too many people in this world who share these indesirable qualities and not enough people who are good, honest, helpful, unselfish, and loving. these are the type of people the world needs. why are they so few and far between?

also, sarchasm is something that should be used only in times of fun. you should never use this devise to break someone down, make them feel inferior, or simply because your day is not turning out wonderfully. sarchasm is something that should be used only with close friends in joking...and very scarcely at that. it's infuriating to ask someone a simple question when you honestly do not know the answer and get a smart-eleck answer in response!